6 Ways To Overcome Youth In Real Estate

Here’s how a young agent can overcome youth and inexperience.

Recently, I met with a brand new real estate agent the other day who was only 18 years old! It’s great to see young people strive for success, but if you’re a young agent, you have some things you have to overcome. Today I want to talk about the best ways to overcome youth and inexperience in real estate.

First, you’ll have to deal with the perception that you don’t know what you’re doing. Sure, you may have studied hard and learned all the tricks, but the perception is the reality in a lot of clients’ minds. Next, you don’t have experience with professionalism. If you come across as authoritative, people will believe you. I have some tips to help you build a professional reputation, so let’s go over them right now:

1. On time is late. I recommend showing up at least 10 minutes early to every meeting and appointment. Someone with a great track record might be able to get away with showing up a minute or two late, but as a new agent, you don’t have that luxury.

2. Follow through on your promises. If you tell a client you’ll do something for them by a certain date or time, make sure you do it. Don’t overpromise, and follow through on your word.

“As a young agent, you have to look professional, or no one will take you seriously.”

3. Text like an adult. It’s fine to respond with the infamous “k” to your friends, but not with clients or coworkers. Try to have a more conversational tone with your texts. They should be less formal than an email, but you still probably need to use complete sentences.

4. Answer your phone! Yes, that tiny computer in your pocket can make phone calls. Real estate is a talking business; communicating with your voice brings something to the table that texting or email does not. Make sure you are always available for a call.

5. Dress for success. As you can see in the video, I am wearing a sports polo today, also known as yoga pants for men. It’s a great choice because I can dress it up with a suit jacket or dress it down with flip flops. As a young agent, you have to look professional, or no one will take you seriously.

6. Read and respond to emails like an adult. Online, communication is getting shorter and shorter, but you still need to take time to craft your emails. A lot of important information is sent through email, and if you’re using informal language or excluding important information, it could bite you later.

You can overcome youth and inexperience in the real estate industry, you just have to know how. If you have any questions about today’s topic, please give my team a call or shoot us an email. We are always willing to help.


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